I am Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in Lima. I was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR) at Tulane University (2022-23) and I received my PhD in Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada in 2022. My research and teaching interests include political parties, political economy, and democracy, with a regional focus on Latin America. My research has been animated by one of the more urgent questions for political leaders and citizens in developing democracies around the globe – that of governability. In an era of high polarization and inequality, what kind of political and economic configurations contain or rather exacerbate social conflicts in young democracies? To answer this question, I theorize on the role that political parties and redistributive initiatives play in furthering or undermining the capacity of the democratic state to channel societal demands in a peaceful way. I am currently working on a book titled The Company You Keep: Centrists, Party Alliances, and Democratic Breakdown in Latin America and Southern Europe, where I investigate when and why centrist parties ally with far-right forces. You can reach me at [email protected]. |